Thank You To ZANE

One of our amazing care workers has recently retired and is now a pensioner in Zimbabwe herself. She wrote this lovely thank you letter where she thanks both the donors and the wonderful ZANE teams for the incredible work that she was part of and knew firsthand over nineteen years.

If you are already a donor to ZANE we thank you – if you would like to become a donor please click on the link below – you can be sure that every cent you give will be used to the utmost good by those in desperate need.

I worked for ZANE for 19 years in Bulawayo Zimbabwe, as their fieldworker.

I never had any formal training, but common sense, and care, and an incredible team carried me through.

This entailed me having to go to pensioners in their private homes, to do an assessment of their situation.
These pensioners or their spouses, had worked and had pension schemes.

In 2008 Zimbabwe went through tough times, with most of us losing our savings and pension policies, rendering us a helpless lot.

Thank goodness for Tom and the donors who have supported hundreds of pensioners in dire straits.

No matter how long I went out to assess a needy person, I could never get used to the way some of them were surviving.

One old lady was buying dog meal and adding cooked tomatoes and onions for flavour.

Another old man relied on a vegetable vendor for cabbage and vegetables, they were actually, past their best, but Daniel made a meal with what he had.

I could give more stories, but I’d like you to know that many pensioners’ lives changed, thanks to ZANE and their fundraising. Even my life changed, as I found my work so satisfying, I learned to be hard and compassionate at the same time. The pensioners have something to look forward to each month end now, knowing that a friendly person is coming with their pot of gold.

I would like to thank each and every person concerned who has made this possible, and ask, “please don’t give up with us pensioners here in this, the highest inflated country in the world.”

I would also like to stress that funds are accounted for, both here and elsewhere. I don’t think many other companies or organisations can find such an honest and trustworthy team as ZANE.

I ask with a humble heart, that you support this most worthy cause. Thank you.

At the end of the day and at the end of a life, ZANE and the team have been there for so many.

* Names and images may have been changed for privacy reasons

If you are already a ZANE donor, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. If you are not a donor but would like to be, please follow the link below and know that every donation, however big or small, goes directly to where it is most needed. If you would like to help but can’t donate, please join the ZANE family and ‘like’ or ‘share’ our posts or write us a Google review – every positive step helps spread the word about the life changing work ZANE does.

Thank you – Nicky Passaportis ZANE Australia

Please donate to support pensioners struggling to survive in Zimbabwe

Any assistance is greatly appreciated and goes a long way to giving our pensioners a better quality of life and lift the pressure of money worries which is very debilitating emotionally.

(Donations made to ZANE in Australia, are tax-deductible)