Covid-19 Restrictions Create Isolation For Pensioners

Here are some updates on some of the people we support. They all have worries and the Covid-19 restrictions imposed upon them have created feelings of isolation and are coping with it badly.

Mrs. W (82) was desperately sad, lonely, and weepy. She is always worried about money and asked if we could help her with a number of medical bills. She is more or less wheelchair-bound but has recently fallen backward when she had to stand on her feet on an escalator when out with her son. (prior to that, soon after her husband died, she fell and broke a bone in her foot).

These accidents have really upset her and she was miserable when I tried to interview her. I asked her exactly what was wrong and she burst into tears. Finally, after some probing, she said she is extremely anxious about dementia, worrying that she is losing her memory, always falling, unable to converse with people. We talked about this for a while, describing how dementia manifests, normal age range for dementia, what physically happens to a person’s brain at this time, what possible steps to take to slow the process down.

I asked her if, after considering all these facts, does she still thinks this is what’s happening and she became thoughtful and agreed she has had so much on her mind, especially with her husband dying. I said I would visit next week so we can talk again.

I delivered ZANE money to Mrs. T who runs a hostel for men with limited mental abilities. She herself was fine but she wouldn’t allow me onto the property or to see any of the men because of Covid. Lennie H, one of our recipients, is really struggling with being so tied down to the hostel and becoming irritated and listless. He is used to spending a lot of his days riding around on his small motorbike, visiting several friends. Lennie has brain damage from a car accident 25 years ago and I worry how he will cope with these Covid restrictions which take away from him the few simple pleasures he has in life. Mrs. T described several other men there who are having similar problems.

At FL Home, Jay R asked if we could consider one of her new residents for assistance.

Miss Joan S (74) was moved in recently because her 2 UK based sisters could no longer afford fees at her previous care home. She is borderline mentally disabled and has never been able to work. I will assess her next week and hope that we might find space to give some sort of help with her fees – I will also contact her sisters to find out what they can continue to pay.

*Names have been changed to protect privacy


Any assistance is greatly appreciated and goes a long way to giving our pensioners a better quality of life and lifts the pressure of money worries which is very debilitating emotionally.