I have been sent some wonderful photos, contributed by almost everyone. I reckon they can’t be trying hard enough, if they have time to take happy snaps!
First up, we have a check in from Julia, the one and only support person for the guys over in Queensland, who really wanted to ride with the team, but decided that it was too risky to try and get out of Queensland and into W.A, with various lock downs.
Mark Johnson & Alan Crundle, after being on all the planning and logistical calls for the Munda Biddi and leaving it to the last minute to be able to make the trip, decided to do their own ride, from Maroochydore to Mundubbera, hoping to finish next Friday, covering 1000km.
This is phenomenal, given they are just the two of them and are having to share the road with traffic, not enjoying the pretty countryside here, but, by the same token, not getting drenched.
According to Julia “Our guys are going well today – 62kms so far. Busy roads yet again and very little verge to ride on”.
Thank you for what you are all doing and for sending in photos and checking in! They are also fund raising for Z.A.N.E and have a seperate Go Fund Me page.
Mike’s report: “After Wednesday’s rain, Thursday dawned clear and warm with a forecast of “possible shower”- so I decided to forego the rain jacket. Needless to say, within an hour, a dark sky overtook us and a brief but heavy shower became our reality.
Lucky for me that Peter had a spare emergency poncho (photo) and the rain was not too cold: we were soon steaming along through the puddles.
My bike, though, began to complain about the water, with grinding noises coming from the drive train: by the end of the day the bottom bracket was decidedly squeaky and the bearings had begun to seize. A hasty trip to the bike shop in Bunbury was unsuccessful: we’ll have to try again in the morning… to be continued…..a quick trip to the local genius mechanic at Fitzroy Cycles (thank you!), and my bottom bracket is fixed!
I’m wondering how my other ‘bottom bracket’ will fare today??” More butt cream required, Mike!
Pete had this to say about yesterday: “I have never really taken the time to look into the history of Africa, north of Zimbabwe I think it has something to do with a limiting thought that Zimbabwe and South Africa are Africa. That anything else is just not THAT.
Mike spent time mining in Tanzania and on our long day riding, regaled us with the story of the ‘African Queen’ and how it was originally a gunship that the Germans built, disassembled and transported by rail, to be reassembled on Lake Tanganika, in 1913.
Its escapades and the fact it was scuttled by the Captain at the end of the war in 1920. It was salvaged and then re sunk a while later. The grand old lady was re salvaged again to star in the film ‘African Queen’ This fascinating relic of African history is still in operation, today on Lake Tanganika and is the oldest passenger vessel in the world!
Thank you, Mike, for educating me on this, as well as taking our minds off other things, more uncomfortable!”
Our Journey yesterday was from Boyanup to Jarrawood ,which was 58km, 4hrs 10min and a beautiful ride with no real hills, to speak of! Hallelujah!! The country side was stunning.The rain came pelting down, 30min after we started,

I was in the running for DOD with having forgotten my gloves, however that award was snatched away by Mike, admitting he had forgotten his rain jacket. Not one to miss out on a business opportunity, I agreed to sell him my spare $2 poncho for $100 it took a full 10 secs of squawking from Mike and the deal was sealed.
He was soon fetchingly dropped in yellow plastic!”
I think he should get an award for the most stylish attire.
Quatermaster Vic: “Our time spent in Bunbury has extended to 3 nights, as all rides in this area finish within driving distance. We all decided that because it has been raining and threatening to rain, it has been good to not camp.
We have been so very well looked after and totally made at home by many ex Zimbabweans in this city. Thank you for your enthusiasm and support.”
Charlie Lenegan, Mark Johnson, Peter Brodie, Peter Hatton, Michael Paul, Victor Authers, Lynn Dignan Thomson
Thank you again for the contributions, from far and wide.
The GoFundMe page is https://www.gofundme.com/f/old-legs-tour-down-under
Or you can donate through the link below:
* Names and images may have been changed for privacy reasons
If you are already a ZANE donor, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. If you are not a donor but would like to be, please follow the link below and know that every donation, however big or small, goes directly to where it is most needed. If you would like to help but can’t donate, please join the ZANE family and ‘like’ or ‘share’ our posts or write us a Google review – every positive step helps spread the word about the life changing work ZANE does.
Thank you – Nicky Passaportis ZANE Australia
Please donate to support pensioners struggling to survive in Zimbabwe
Any assistance is greatly appreciated and goes a long way to giving our pensioners a better quality of life and lift the pressure of money worries which is very debilitating emotionally.
(Donations made to ZANE in Australia, are tax-deductible)